Community validator project and token of the Cronos network and whole Cosmos.

Bare metal validators and IBC relayers


Icy Rescues of compromised wallets

If your wallet is compromised and funds are undelegating still, we may be able to help.

Delegator rescues

What is this rescue service?

We help victims of fraud to get their funds back. This is needed for example when you have accidentally given away your seed phrase to scammers. Rescue is only possible, if funds haven't left your wallet yet, but are still locked because of the undelegation period

After the undelegation period is over and funds are free, we try to beat the scammer with our scripts by sending transactions very fast. 

We can do the recovery on chains we have servers: ATOM, CRO, EVMOS, JUNO, OSMO and STRIDE. 

If you have other funds than these six, we can forward you to our partner (Cosmoshield) who can help with those. 

What do you need to do before the rescue?

How to contact us?

Remember to include all the needed information in email:

What is the fee?

No fees. Rescued funds will be sent directly to your new wallet. 

We would appreciate though, if you delegate to our ATOM, CRO, EVMOS, JUNO, OSMO and STRIDE validators.